

Page history last edited by Sandra Skalski 9 years, 11 months ago

African Violet Club of Burlington County


Our Growing Season Schedule has something for everyone!
We hope you'll join us!  



B-Man's Taormina

B-Man's Taormina


All are welcome! Novices, experienced growers and in between -- all you need is enthusiasm for African violets (or other gesneriads). Club dues are $15 per year. Membership entitles you to participate in our plant exchanges, the annual show, and other fun activities.


The African Violet Club of Burlington County meets on monthly, at 7:00 p.m., from September through May. Meetings are held at the Medford Leas Retirement Community, 1 Medford Leas way, Medford, NJ. For further information, email sskalski@comcast.net  You may request to receive emailed notices of our events without being a member.


The AV Club of Burlington County is an affiliate of the African Violet Society of America (AVSA). We encourage you to visit the AVSA website for information about violet culture and more.









Past Shows


Did you miss our past shows?  You can still enjoy the photos, look over the awards and see some of our gems:


  • 2013:  "The Antique Violet Road Show"
    Our 2013 show and plant sale was held on May 18, at the Medford Leas Community Building in Medford, NJ.  The show schedule explains the theme, classes of plants and designs.  Over 140 exhibits included African Violets, other gesneriads, dish gardens and terrariums, as well as plant and blossom designs.
  • 2012:  "One Violet, Two Violet, Red Violet, Blue Violet"
    Our 2012 show and plant sale was held on May 19, 2012, at the Medford Leas Community Building in Medford, NJ.  The show schedule explains the theme and classes of plants and designs; view photos by members and by special club friend Neil Lipson.
  • 2011:  AVSA Convention.  AVCBC didn't do a local show in 2011 because our national society held its its annual convention in our back yard (Cherry Hill). AVCBC club members contributed LOTS of entries and won great recognition.
  • 2010:  "Violets Under the Tuscan Sun"  The show schedule explains the classes and rules. Please enjoy some of our members' photos of the show.
  • 2009:  "Violets Go Platinum" - Our 20th anniversary show.  The schedule and show flyer are available. Please enjoy a brief slide show of photos taken by one of our club friends.
  • 2008 Show: "Dancing with Violets" 



What are we growing?


Club members are compiling our plant lists (some of us are in denial about just how many pets we have). We're starting with plant names and registration numbers, but expect to add images and descriptions as time goes on. The list gives you an idea of the breadth of interests and variety of tastes among club members, as well as what to expect when you visit one of our sales.


Club members share leaves freely with each other. If you lust after one of our varieties, perhaps it's worth joining just to get some leaves!


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